Cancer support for members

Being diagnosed with cancer can create hard questions and emotions. It can be difficult to know where to start or what to do next. But with HealthPartners, you aren’t on your own. Our cancer support specialists are here to lend expertise and compassion, focusing on you and what you need.

From dealing with stress to understanding your coverage – and from finding support resources to coordinating your care across different teams and locations – we’re here to assist you throughout your treatment. Through it all, we’ll be at your side and ready to help.

Cancer basics

Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth that can occur almost anywhere in your body. Depending on what type of cancer you have, symptoms and treatments vary. Common cancers include:

Get customized resources, guidance and support from an experienced cancer specialist – confidentially and at no extra cost. Your specialist will work with you and your care team to create a complete plan that guides and empowers you through each step of treatment.